1. Symposium and meetings in Darwin by new Head of BAPPEDA NTT and the Bupatis from East Sumba, Ngagekeo (Flores) and TTS (West Timor), to increase awareness of the value of the project outcomes and the roles, responsibilities and activities of counterpart agencies in northern Australia. The visit will be of three days duration and include a one-day symposium at CDU to review past and current collaborative activities between NT and NTT, and explore potential future partnerships. Participants will include NTG NRM staff, researchers from Menzies School of Health, CDU researchers. Indonesian visitors will also have site and field visits to understand the roles and responsibilities of NT counterpart agencies.

2.1 In-country GIS training in the integration of land resource field data into GIS and the use of GIS for identifying opportunities for rural development, land rehabilitation and resource conservation, and potential environmental and economic risks associated with proposed developments. Training over 7 days will present GIS as a framework for collection, maintenance and analysis of data to answer key development issues in NTT. Participants will include government staff, two from TTS, one from E. Sumba, one from Ngada/Nagekeo and one from NTT Province, and NGO staff one from each of YMTM, KOPPESDA and PLAN. Participants will be selected, in consultation with these agencies, based on participant’s computers skills and potential to apply skills learnt in future NRM and infrastructure development work. Many participants are already known to CDU through past activities in the region. 

2.2  GIS Forum to share experiences of applications of GIS in Ngada/Nagekeo, TTS and East Sumba with neighbouring Kabupatens (Manggarai, TTU, Kupang, West Sumba), and to explore potential applications and cooperation across Kabupaten boundaries. Participants would be approximately 18 officers from Kabupaten and Provincial governments, NGOs, university and ANTARA: 8 participants from In-country GIS training, one government officer from each of Manggarai, TTU, Kupang, West Sumba, two staff from each of UNDANA (Universistas Nusa Cendana) and UKSW (Satya Wacana University), two staff from ANTARA.
University and funding agency participants will be invited based on their engagement in relevant development activities in NTT and experience in developing GIS applications. Government staff will be invited based on their potential or current involvement in Natural resource management, infrastructure development and service delivery with a strong interest  in developing spatial information technologies to support their work.
Discussions would include the role of GIS in
♦ Resolution of land tenure issues                     ♦ Infrastructure development
♦ Provision of health and education services     ♦ Catchment modelling and water resource management
♦ Resource monitoring, including agricultural productivity, extent of forests, weeds and fires
  ♦ Land capability assessment

2.3 Work attachments with NT Government staff for four Indonesian staff to learn field skills in land resource assessment. The primary activity will be participation in NT Government land resource field surveys. Data collected will include soils, vegetation and land form as inputs into land unit mapping. Landscapes of both NTT and NT are dominated by wet-dry monsoonal savanna, and techniques learnt will be relevant to applications in NTT. Selection of participants will be primarily on their potential to apply skills gained to their work in NTT, ability to engage in physical survey work in remote locations, previous field and land management experience. Two staff will visit NT in late dry season 2007 and two in late wet season 2008. Potential language difficulties will be overcome by ensuring that at least one of each pair of visitors is competent in conversational English.  CDU and Indonesian partner agencies have discussed guidelines for selection of the participating Indonesian staff. These guidelines include selection of staff likely to use skills in future work, staff with appropriate basic technical knowledge and willingness and ability to take part in practical work under field conditions in remote areas. It is anticipated that two staff will join soil surveys and two staff will join vegetation surveys. NT government staff will use FAO classifications for relevance to Indonesian systems.     
3.1 Community agroforestry training at Ngada/Nagekeo in systems for community-driven agroforestry and microfinance, and institutional capacity building. Training will be provided by staff from YMTM and Mr Efraim Muga (now BAPPEDA Nagekeo, formally BAPPEDA Ngada, skilled and active participant in prior ACIAR and PSLP projects). Participants will include 6 government and 4 NGO staff from Kabupatens East Sumba, Ngada/Nagekeo and TTS, including staff from BAPPEDA, Departments of Forestry, Agriculture, Environment, Land Office and Rural Community Development, and NGOs (Plan Indonesia, Research Coordination Team for Natural Resources Management, KOPPESDA). Participants will be selected on the relevance of the training to future work duties and the receptiveness of the participant to community management approaches, based on advice from Indonesian colleagues and previous contact with the CDU team.
3.2 Community agroforestry and fire management forum to discuss experiences of community-based development enterprises and fire as a management tool. Discussions and visit to demonstration plots at Dorameli, recipients of the national forestry rehabilitation award in 2006. There will be approximately 10 participants including two community leaders from each of two villages in each of Kabupatens E. Sumba, TTS, Kupang and Ngada/Nagekeo, and two participants from CDU to facilitate where needed and observe. The villages represented will all have identified fire as a major limitation to rural development and have current or planned agroforestry developments.  Selection will be based on willingness to participate, as advised by local NGOs and NTT government agencies.   

3.3 In-country burning training at key village communities in Nagekeo, East Sumba and TTS in safe, effective controlled burning methods. Training to be provided by Indonesian staff and villagers involved in past projects, in Sumba and Nagekeo, by staff located there, and in TTS, by staff from Nagekeo. In Ngada YMTM have cooperative relationships with village communities. Three communities will be chosen in Ngada based on willingness and ability to participate, and proximity to past controlled burning activities. Staff from TTS and E Sumba will learn from participation in the burning training in Ngada. Skilled, experienced staff from YMTM and E. Sumba will also visit TTS to contribute to the activities of Plan Indonesia in developing wise burning practices for resource conservation, food security and consequent improvements to human nutrition and health.   

  1. 4. Development of communication between project partners, sharing of data and dissemination of information to policy makers, managers and farmers.