
A Symposium entitled Resource Management and Development in East Nusa Tenggara in the Era of Regional Autonomy was held at CDU on 26th September 2007 as part of a project funded by AusAID’s Public Sector Linkage Program (PSLP). Participants included the Head of SekBer NTT, the Bupatis from East Sumba, Ngada, Nagekeo and TTS, NTT government staff, CDU research and teaching staff and students, NT government staff. Presentations included issues for development in NTT, natural resource management and livelihoods, land capability assessment, mapping and monitoring practices in the Northern Territory and collaborative curriculum development approaches in higher education.

We are privileged to have with us in this symposium distinguished visitors from NTT:-

  • Drs. Danial A Banunaek, Chief Administrator of South Central Timor (Bupati of Timor Tengah Selatan)
  • Ir. Umba Mehang Kunda, Chief Administraor of East Sumba (Bupati od Sumba Timur)
  • Dr Elias Djo and Drs. Piet Jos Nuwa Wae chief Administrator of Ngada and Nagakeo (Bupatis of Ngada and Nagakeo in central Flores)
  • Drs. Jan Christofel Benyamin (“Onny”) M Si Head of SEKBER from province NTT – Agency for coordinating international collaborations

Summary of symposium outcomes:

Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya di Nusa Tenggara Timur pada Era Otonomi Daerah pdf

Resource Management and Development in East Nusa Tenggara
in the Era of Regional Autonomy

Symposium Session

Field Trip

Graham Pegg (Dean, Facualty Education Health and Science) thanks Onny (Lead Representative from NTT Provinical Planning Board) for his attendance.

Publication launch - Integrated rural development in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

The proceedings report on an international workshop held in Kupang in April 2006 where launched at the symposium. 
“The workshop was organised by CDU with support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), together with a number of other Australian and Indonesian organisations,” she said. 
“The purpose of the workshop was to identify opportunities and constraints to improving livelihoods in East Nusa Tenggara using an integrated rural development approach, and to discuss directions for future activities. 
“It was agreed that successful integrated rural development must extend beyond farm productivity improvements to include environmental sustainability, the institutional environment, human capacity building, social and cultural factors and the broader economic environment.” 
The workshop brought together experts from Indonesia, Timor Leste and Australia to review long-term development needs and prospects for integrated rural development. Workshop participants agreed on priorities for integrated rural development including areas with potential for collaboration between Indonesian and Australian organisations. 

The full proceeding can be accessed through ACIAR.
Simultaneous with the launch of the ACIAR proceedings an Indonesian language version, published by Nusa Cendana University in Kupang, was launched also and can be accessed here. (pdf 887kb)